International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 61355 - Collection of standardized and established document kinds

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General description
Document kinds by:
Application area
Activity area
Presentation form
Identity number
Status level
Under development

Identity number:D00042
Status level:Standard
Name:Process flow diagram
Content of information:Description:
The process flow diagram depicts a process or a process plant by means of graphical symbols, interconnected by flow lines. The graphical symbols represent equipment and the lines represent flows of mass and energy or energy carriers.
Mandatory content of information:
– Kind of equipment necessary for the process, except drives;
– Reference designations for equipment, except drives;
– Route and direction of ingoing and outgoing material and energy flows;
– Denomination and flow rates of ingoing and outgoing materials;
– Designation of energy flows or flows of energy carriers;
– Characteristic operating conditions.
Optional content of information:
– Denomination of flows and flow rates of process fluids between the process steps;
– Flow rates or amounts of energy or energy carriers;
– Essential valves in the logical process position with respect to their function;
– Functional demands for process measurement and control at essential points;
– Supplementary operating conditions;
– Denomination of equipment and characteristic data of equipment;
– Denomination of drives and characteristic data of drives;
– Elevation of platforms and approximate relative vertical position of equipment.
Application area:Process engineering
Activity area:Requirements and dimensioning, Development, Functionality, Topology and location - layout, Connections and network
Form of presentation:D - Diagram
Released on:2008-04-14
Applies:D00002 (X Diagram)
Keywords:process flow diagrams
Source references:ISO 10628:1997
Web page created 2024-09-21
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