| | | | | |
- Basic elements and generic composites | |
| -e Basic elements | |
| | D00008 | | X Audio (record) | |
| | D00001 | | X Chart | |
| | D00002 | | X Diagram | |
| | D00003 | | X Drawing | |
| | D00007 | | X Photo | |
| | D00004 | | X Picture | |
| | D00005 | | X Table | |
| | D00006 | | X Text | |
| | D00009 | | X Video (record) | |
| -z Basic composites | |
| | D00020 | | XXX Certificate | |
| | D00127 | | XXX Declaration | |
| | D00011 | | XXX Description | |
| | D00012 | | XXX Information | |
| | D00019 | | XXX Instruction (directive) | |
| | D00018 | | XXX Instruction (for the use of an object) | |
| | D00013 | | XXX Log | |
| | D00014 | | XXX Manual | |
| | D00015 | | XXX Record | |
| | D00016 | | XXX Report | |
| | D00017 | | XXX Specification | |
| | D00010 | | XXX Standard | |
| (Not Categorized) | |
| | D00170 | | ZZZ | |
| | D00182 | | ZZZ | |
| | D00184 | | ZZZ | |
A - Documentation describing documents | |
| AA - Administrative documents | |
| | D00021 | | Cover sheet | |
| AB - Lists (regarding documents) | |
| | D00023 | | List of contents | |
| | D00022 | | List of documents | |
| | D00130 | | Main document | |
| AC - Explanatory documents (regarding documents) | |
| | D00132 | | Documentation description | |
| | D00133 | | Documentation structure diagram | |
B - Management documents | |
| BA - Registers | |
| | D00136 | | Distribution list | |
| | D00135 | | Supplier list | |
| | D00134 | | Vendor list | |
| BB - Reports | |
| | D00142 | | Commissioning report | |
| | D00140 | | Damage report | |
| | D00143 | | Handing over protocol | |
| | D00141 | | Installation report | |
| | D00137 | | Meeting report | |
| | D00138 | | Status report | |
| | D00139 | | Technical report (management) | |
| BC - Correspondence | |
| | D00144 | | Letter | |
| | D00145 | | Note | |
| BD - Project control documents | |
| | D00024 | | Document interchange list | |
| | D00146 | | Time sheet | |
| BE - Resource planning documents | |
| | D00026 | | Activity network plan | |
| | D00027 | | Resource load diagram | |
| | D00025 | | Time schedule | |
| BF - Dispatch storage and transport documents | |
| | D00150 | | Airway bill | |
| | D00151 | | Bill of lading | |
| | D00152 | | Certificate of origin | |
| | D00147 | | Dispatch specification | |
| | D00149 | | Packing list | |
| | D00148 | | Shipping list | |
| | D00028 | | Storage specification | |
| | D00029 | | Transport specification | |
| BG - Site planning and organization documents | |
| | D00030 | | Site specification for personnel | |
| BH - Documents regarding changes | |
| | D00153 | | Change notification | |
| | D00154 | | Change request | |
| BS - Security documents | |
| | D00156 | | Emergency instruction | |
| | D00155 | | Escape plan | |
| | D00157 | | Fire protection plan | |
| | D00158 | | Noise protection plan | |
| BT - Training specific documents | |
| | D00031 | | Training description | |
C - Contractual and non-technical documents | |
| CA - Inquiry calculations and other docuemnts | |
| | D00160 | | Calculation sheet (commercial) | |
| | D00159 | | Inquiry | |
| | D00163 | | Letter of acceptance | |
| | D00162 | | Letter of intent | |
| | D00161 | | Offer | |
| CB - Approval documents | |
| | D00165 | | Acceptance/ authorisation | |
| | D00164 | | Approval application | |
| | D00166 | | License | |
| CC - Contractual documents | |
| | D00167 | | Contract | |
| | D00168 | | Final acceptance certificate | |
| | D00169 | | Terms of delivery | |
| CD - Order and delivery documents | |
| | D00172 | | Delivery note | |
| | D00171 | | Order | |
| CE - Invoice documents | |
| | D00173 | | Invoice | |
| CF - Insurance documents | |
| | D00175 | | Damage assessment | |
| | D00174 | | Insurance policy | |
| CG - Warranty documents | |
| | D00176 | | Certificate of guarantee | |
| CH - Expertises | |
| | D00177 | | Expertise | |
D - General technical information documents | |
| DA - Data sheets | |
| | D00178 | | Data sheet | |
| | D00032 | | Dimension drawing | |
| | D00129 | | Material declaration | |
| DB - Explanatory documents | |
| | D00180 | | Description of designation system | |
| | D00119 | | Structure diagram | |
| | D00179 | | System description | |
| DC - Instructions and manuals | |
| | D00123 | | Commissioning instruction | |
| | D00126 | | Decommissioning instruction | |
| | D00124 | | Fault-finding instruction | |
| | D00183 | | Inspection instruction | |
| | D00122 | | Installation instruction | |
| | D00033 | | Maintenance instruction (for skilled persons) | |
| | D00125 | | Maintenance instruction (for unskilled persons) | |
| | D00181 | | Manufacturing instructions | |
| | D00034 | | Operating instruction | |
| | D00121 | | Storage instruction | |
| | D00120 | | Transportation instruction | |
| DD - Technical reports | |
| | D00186 | | R&D report | |
| | D00185 | | Technical report | |
| DE - Catalogues and advertising documents | |
| | D00187 | | Catalogue | |
| | D00188 | | Product leaflet | |
| DF - Technical publications | |
| | D00189 | | Technical publication | |
E - Technical requirement and dimensioning documents | |
| EA - Legal requirements document | |
| | D00190 | | Building regulation | |
| | D00192 | | Environmental decree | |
| | D00191 | | Operation decree | |
| EB - Standards and regulations | |
| | D00193 | | IEC standard | |
| | D00194 | | ISO standard | |
| EC - Technical specifications and requirements | |
| | D00196 | | Component list of instrumentation and control equipment | |
| | D00195 | | Consumer list | |
| | D00198 | | List of motors and loads | |
| | D00199 | | Material specification | |
| | D00197 | | Measuring point and criteria list | |
| | D00035 | | Requirement specification | |
| | D00036 | | Test specification | |
| ED - Dimensioning documents | |
| | D00037 | | Calculation sheet (technical) | |
F - Function-describing documents | |
| FA - Function overview documents | |
| | D00040 | | Block diagram (IEC 61082-1) | |
| | D00039 | | Network map | |
| | D00038 | | Overview diagram | |
| | D00112 | | Single-line diagram | |
| | D00114 | | System diagram (for a network) | |
| | D00115 | | System operational diagram (of a network) | |
| | D00116 | | Three-phase system diagram (of a network) | |
| | D00113 | | Topological diagram (of a network) | |
| | D00117 | | Voltage map (for a network) | |
| FB - Flow diagrams | |
| | D00041 | | Block diagram (ISO 10628) | |
| | D00200 | | Overview diagram (flow) | |
| | D00043 | | Piping and instrument diagram (P&ID) | |
| | D00042 | | Process flow diagram | |
| | D00044 | | Utility flow diagram (UFD) | |
| FC - HMI-layout documents | |
| | D00201 | | Screen display layout drawing | |
| FE - Function descriptions | |
| | D00045 | | Function description | |
| FF - Function diagrams and charts | |
| | D00049 | | Equivalent-circuit diagram | |
| | D00048 | | Function chart | |
| | D00046 | | Function diagram | |
| | D00047 | | Logic-function diagram | |
| | D00050 | | Sequence chart | |
| | D00051 | | Time sequence chart | |
| FP - Signal descriptions | |
| | D00052 | | Signal list | |
| | D00118 | | Signal property list | |
| FQ - Setting value documents | |
| | D00202 | | Setting list | |
| FS - Circuitry documents | |
| | D00053 | | Circuit diagram | |
| | D00054 | | Terminal-function diagram | |
| FT - Software specific documents | |
| | D00056 | | Code list | |
| | D00204 | | Design description | |
| | D00058 | | Function description (software) | |
| | D00203 | | Program diagram | |
L - Location documents | |
| LA - Exploitation and survey documents | |
| | D00225 | | Development plan | |
| | D00205 | | Ground plan | |
| LB - Earthwork and foundation work documents | |
| | D00206 | | Excavation plan | |
| | D00207 | | Foundation drawing | |
| LC - Building carcass documents | |
| | D00208 | | Reinforcement drawing | |
| | D00209 | | Static drawing | |
| LD - On-site location documents | |
| | D00062 | | Arrangement drawing (site) | |
| | D00089 | | Cable routing drawing (site) | |
| | D00087 | | Earthing diagram | |
| | D00092 | | Earthing drawing (site) | |
| | D00094 | | Earthing plan (site) | |
| | D00088 | | Installation diagram (site) | |
| | D00096 | | Installation drawing (site) | |
| | D00098 | | Installation plan (site) | |
| | D00086 | | Site plan (base document for electrical installation) | |
| LH - In-building location documents | |
| | D00063 | | Arrangement drawing (building) | |
| | D00100 | | Building drawing (base document for electrical installation) | |
| | D00091 | | Cable routing drawing (building) | |
| | D00093 | | Earthing drawing (building) | |
| | D00095 | | Earthing plan (building) | |
| | D00090 | | Installation diagram (building) | |
| | D00097 | | Installation drawing (building) | |
| | D00099 | | Installation plan (building) | |
| LU - In/on-equipment location documents | |
| | D00064 | | Arrangement drawing (equipment) | |
| | D00101 | | Assembly drawing | |
M - Connection-describing documents | |
| MA - Connection documents | |
| | D00057 | | Connection diagram | |
| | D00059 | | Connection table | |
| | D00067 | | Interconnection diagram | |
| | D00074 | | Interconnection list | |
| | D00075 | | Interconnection table | |
| | D00065 | | Terminal connection diagram | |
| | D00070 | | Terminal connection list | |
| | D00071 | | Terminal connection table | |
| | D00066 | | Unit connection diagram | |
| | D00072 | | Unit connection list | |
| | D00073 | | Unit connection table | |
| MB - Cabling or piping documents | |
| | D00069 | | Cable diagram | |
| | D00076 | | Cable list | |
| | D00210 | | Cable pulling card | |
| | D00077 | | Cable table | |
| | D00055 | | Connection diagram (cables) | |
| | D00061 | | Connection table (cables) | |
| | D00068 | | Interconnection diagram (cables) | |
| | D00211 | | Piping list | |
P - Object listings | |
| PA - Material lists | |
| | D00103 | | Material list | |
| PB - Parts lists | |
| | D00107 | | Label list | |
| | D00104 | | Parts list (class A) | |
| | D00105 | | Parts list (class B) | |
| | D00106 | | Spare parts list | |
| PC - Item lists | |
| | D00212 | | Item list | |
| PD - Product type lists | |
| | D00213 | | Product list | |
| | D00214 | | Product type list | |
| PF - Function lists | |
| | D00060 | | Function list | |
| PL - Location lists | |
| | D00108 | | Location list | |
Q - Quality management documents; safety-describing documents | |
| QA - Quality management documents | |
| | D00218 | | Audit follow-up report | |
| | D00219 | | Audit personnel record | |
| | D00081 | | Audit plan | |
| | D00082 | | Audit report | |
| | D00217 | | Corrective and preventive action report | |
| | D00128 | | Declaration of conformity | |
| | D00216 | | Non-conformity report | |
| | D00215 | | Quality guideline | |
| | D00078 | | Quality manual | |
| | D00079 | | Quality plan | |
| | D00080 | | Quality record | |
| QB - Safety describing documents | |
| | D00221 | | Risk assessment | |
| | D00220 | | Safety study | |
| QC - Quality verifying documents | |
| | D00222 | | Fault report | |
| | D00084 | | Material certificate | |
| | D00083 | | Test certificate | |
| | D00085 | | Test report | |
| | D00102 | | Test report (software) | |
T - Geometry-related documents | |
| TA - Planning drawings | |
| | D00223 | | Concept drawing | |
| | D00224 | | Design drawing | |
| TB - Construction drawings | |
| | D00228 | | 3D-drawing | |
| | D00227 | | Exploded-view drawing | |
| | D00226 | | Interface drawing | |
| TC - Manufacturing and erection drawings | |
| | D00131 | | Component drawing | |
| | D00230 | | Drilling plan | |
| | D00229 | | Manufacturing drawing | |
| | D00231 | | Welding plan | |
| TL - Arrangement drawings | |
| | D00232 | | Layout drawing | |
W - Operation records | |
| WA - Set point documents | |
| | D00233 | | Batch recipe | |
| WT - Logbooks | |
| | D00110 | | Maintenance and modification log | |
| | D00109 | | Operational log | |
| | D00111 | | Test log | |