

2024-07-22: The IEC 62474 DSL was updated to verion D29.00

New and modified entries have a last change date of 2024-07-21

The IEC 62474 data exchange format (DXF) is currently undergoing an update to add new features for material declaration. Verificaiton and final edits are currently underway.  The header at the top of this page will be updated to indicate when the new DXF is released (current forecast is July 27, 2024).


2024-07-20: The IEC 62474 is being updated starting July 20, 2024. 

Updates are being made to the DSL, RSL, and data exchange format (DXF).  A query list is also being added for reporting of cobalt and neodymium in servers and storage equipment.

Additional inforamtion will be provided once the SDB content is verified and stable.


2024-01-25: The IEC 62474 DSL (and reference substance list) was updated to version D28.00 on January 25. 2024. The update includes five SVHC entries that were added to the EU REACH Candidate List and other edits/additions. 

Newly added entires may identified by First added date of 2024-01-23.

2024-01-23: The IEC 62474 SDB will be out of service starting January 23, 2023 starting at 00:01(UTC) for a DSL update.  Please check here for status updates

2023-07-22: The IEC 62474 DSL (and reference substance list) was updated to version D27.00 on July 22, 2023. The update includes two SVHC entries that were added to the EU REACH Candidate List. The reference substances (RSL) for the PFAS substance group was also updated to make several corrections and remove duplicate substances -- Note: Please note that PFAS substance group RSL is not an exhaustive list of reference substances and this list will likely be modified as new information about PFAS substance use is identified.

Newly added entires may identified by First added date of 2023-07-22

2023-07-21: The IEC 62474 SDB will be out of service starting July 21, 2023 starting at 22:00 (UTC) for a DSL update.  Please check here for status updates


2023-01-17: The IEC 62474 Database content was updated to version D26.00 on January 17, 2023. The update includes nine SVHC entries that were added to the EU REACH Candidate List and also the PFAS substance group. For the PFAS substance group is accompanied with 629 references substances. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of reference substance and will likely be modified as new information about PFAS substance use is identified.

Newly added entires may identified by First added date of 2023-01-17


2023-01-17: The IEC 62474 SDB will be out of service on January 17, 2023 starting at 18:00 for a DSL update.  Please check here for status updates

20220718: The IEC 62474 Database content was updated to version D25.00 on July 18, 2022. The update includes two new substance group entries based on new EU REACH Annex XVII entry 68. Additions and changes to the DSL and reference substances can be identified by last revised date of 2022-07-15.

The REACH Complementary List (located in the supplementary lists and information section was updated to version CL25.00. The one EU REACH SVHC added to the Candidate List in June 2022 was screened out by the IEC 62474 Validation Team -- it was added to the complementary list and not to the DSL.

The EU RoHS Annex III exemption lists is updated to version E5.0. Additions and modification are shown in red font and have a last revised date of 2022-07-15. 

20220713:  The IEC 62474 DSL will be out of service on July 15, 2022 for a DSL update.

20220210: The IEC 62474 material class list (MCL) was updated to version M3.00 by adding 30 new material classes including one additional precious metal (Palladium), eleven unfilled and filled thermoplastic resins, one duromer, and six elastomers. 

In conjunction with the update, the IEC 62474 Material Class List to EU SCIP Material Category Mapping Table was published.  It is based on commonly used materials in electrotechnical industry products. The mapping is indicative and it is the responsiblity of users to ensure that they are reviewing the mapping recommendations to ensure relevance and accuracy for any regulatory purposes. The mapping table is available under supplementary lists and information. 

20220209: The IEC 62474 DB is out of service for a MCL update. MCL downloads are invalid while the DB is out of service. All other information on the DB should be stable.

20220202: A minor editorial update was made to EU RoHS Annex III exemption list to remove redundant text. The exemption list is now version E4.1.  There are no technical changes between version 4.0 and version 4.1. The text in red font still indicates modifications made since version 3.0.

20220131: The EU RoHS Annex III and Annex IV exemption lists are updated to version E4.0.  Additions and modification are shown in red font and have a last revised date of 2022-01-31. 

20220118: The REACH Complementary List (located in the supplementary lists and information section was updated to version CL24.01. it now includes the 3 additional SVHCs that were added to the Candidate List but screening out for the DSL and removes "4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear" which was added to the DSL in D24.00.

20220117: The IEC 62474 Database content was updated to version D24.00 on January 17, 2021. The update includes 1 of the 4 REACH Candidate List substances added by ECHA on January 17, 2022 that has been identified as relevant to EEE. 

Note: all new and revised DSL entries and reference substances (RSL) have a last revision date of 2022-01-17. Two DSL entries (ID=00103 and 00104) and their reference substances were deleted.

20220117: The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) is out of service for a DSL update. DSL and RSL downloads may produce invalid information. 

20210718: The IEC 62474 Database content was updated to version D23.00 on July 18, 2021. The update includes 3 of the 8 REACH Candidate List substances added by ECHA on July 8, 2021. The addition includes only the SVHCs that the VT62474 has indentified evidence of relevance to EEE.

Note: all new and revised DSL entries and reference substances (RSL) have a last revision date of 2021-07-16

20210716:  The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) is out of service for a DSL update. DSL and RSL downloads may produce invalid information. 

20210428: The IEC 62474 declarable substances list (DSL) was updated to include recent U.S. TSCA restrictions of PIP (3:1) and decaBDE. It includes a new entry for PIP (3:1) (ID=00174) and modifications to the entry for decaBDE (ID=00064) for reporting threshold and regulatory basis. The latest IEC 62474 DSL may be referenced with the UniqueID authority=IEC62474, identity= IEC62474-DSL, and version=D22.00.

No technical changes were made to the RSL

20210427: The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) is out of service for a DSL update. DSL and RSL downloads may produce invalid information.  

20210119The IEC 62474 Database content was updated on January 19, 2021

  • Additions and modification were made to the DSL/RSL. The new version is D21.00.
    • New and modified entries may be identified with a LastRevised date of 2021-01-19
  • Three exemption lists were also updated to track progress in exemption expiration and renewals. The following updated exemptioms lists are available.
    • EL identity="EU-RoHS-AnnexIII" is updated to version=E2.0
    • EL identity="EU-RoHS-AnnexIV" is updated to version=E2.0
    • EL identity="China-RoHS" is updated to version=E1.1

20200625: The IEC 62474 DSL/RSL were updated to version D20.00 on June 25, 2020. The DSL update includes one of the four SVHCs added to the EU REACH Candidate List (used in EEE).  There was also a reorganization of how the DSL support California RoHS, given that California RoHS also requires reporting of total mass of heavy metals.   Two reference substances were deleted for "Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) and its salts" to align with ECHA removing these substances. 

The EU REACH Complimentary List has been updated to CL20.00


20200625: The IEC 62474 DSL/RSL are out of service for an update on January 25, 2020.  The DSL is currently in transition and not valid. This News site will be updated once the update is complete.

20200315: The IEC 62474 data exchange format (XML schema and Developer Table (DT)) have been updated to version X8.10. This  is a minor update that provides additional optional data fields to support supply chain communication of select information needed for the EU SCIP database. X8.10 is backward compatible with X8.00. All new and changed data fields may be identified in the DT by using the last revised date of 2020-02-29.

20200116: The IEC 62474 DSL and RSL were updated on January 16, 2020 to version D19.00.  There were a few updates to existing DSL entries and two additional REACH Candidate List substances relevant to electrotechnical products were added:

  • The previous declarable substance group "Disodium tetraborates" was modified to "Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous" to  align with the REACH Candidate List designation by separating out  "Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate" as a new declarable substance entry (ID=00163)
  • Notes were added to DSL entries 00138, 00144, 00145, and 00148 to indicate that these substances are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)
  • Note was added to entry 00046
  • Two SVHCs that were added to the REACH Candidate List on January 16, 2020 were added to the DSL: "Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) and its salts" and "Diisohexyl phthalate".  Two other Canadidate List entries were screened and are not added. Four reference substances were added for PFBS.
  • Updates made by ECHA to CAS numbers were also made to DSL entries: 00144, 00145, 00157, 00159.

20200116: The IEC 62474 database is out of service for a DSL update on January 16, 2020.  The DSL is currently in transition and not valid. This News site will be updated once the update is complete.

20191130: The initial release of exemption lists for EU RoHS Annex IV were published as of November 30, 2019.  

20190821: The IEC 62474 Material Class List (MCL) was updated to version M2.00.  This was a major revision to the MCL, including the material class categories and the download format. There are now only two levels of material class categories (versus the three in the initial version of the MCL). 

The MCL uniqueid designation is:

  • authority="IEC62474"
  • identity="IEC62474-MCL"
  • version="M2.00"

 This designation is required when suppliers are completing a material declaration that include material class information.  

20190721:The IEC 62474 Database was updated on July 21, 2019 and July 22, 2019.

  • There are a significant number of additions and changes made to the IEC 62474 declarable substance list (DSL) and reference substance list (RSL) during this update.  The new DSL/RSL revision is D18.00.
    • One of the four SVHCs added to the REACH CAndidate List in July 2019 were screened as being a possible constituent of electrotechnical products and therefore included in the DSL;
    • Several other substance groups and substances were added due to emerging regulatory changes;
    • A major review of substance names and synonyms was performed. Changes reflecting this review were included in this update;
    • DSL and RSL entries that are new or changed have a last revised date of 2019-07-21;
    • Entries that were removed can be identified by comparing the new DSL and RSL with D17.01 (see archive section).
  • An update to the complementary list was also posted (CL18.00).  This is a list of REACH Candidate List SVHCs that were screened out and not added to the EEE industry DSL.
  • The initial release of exemption lists for EU RoHS Annex III and China RoHS were published as of July 22, 2019. The EU RoHS Annex IV exemption is in final review and will be published soon. 
  • There were no changes made to the Material Class List (MCL) or the XML schema during this update.

20190720: The IEC 62474 database is  OUT OF SERVICE on Saturday July 20, 2019 - Sunday July 21, 2019 for a DSL update. The DSL is currently in transition and not valid. This News site will be updated once the update is complete.

20190717: The IEC 62474 database will be OUT OF SERVICE on Saturday July 20, 2019 - Sunday July 21, 2019 for a DSL update.  The initial release of the exemption lists will be posted at the same time. 

20190623: The IEC 62474 Declarable Substance List (DSL) was updated to include information in the two new data fields "Substance Clarification" and "Mass Information Requirements".  This update does not impact the substances that need to be declared or their names or thresholds; therefore there is no impact on previous material declarations. This update is considered a minor update -- a declaration to D17.00 is equivalent to a declaration to D17.01.

Note: the mass information requirements column is relevant to declarations that use the "Declaration for Compliance" capability in the new IEC 62474-2018 data exchange format.

20190414: The IEC 62474 XML Schema (XSD) and Developer's Table (DT) were updated to align with the requirements specified in IEC 62474:2018.  This is a major update to the data exchange format based on the new requirements specified in IEC 62474:2018.

The material and substance information in the material declaration will now be organized in “sectionals”. The sectionals (types of declarations) that may be included in the IEC 62474 material declaration are identified in theProduct element, including:

  • Declaration for Compliance (represented by the Compliance element in the XML schema);
  • Composition Declaration (represented by the Composition element);
  • Material Class Declaration (represented by MaterialClassDeclaration);
  • Query Statement Declarations (represented by QueryList)

New elements and attributes are shown in red font in the DT and are identified with a last revised date of 2019-04-14.

20190315: The EU REACH Complimentary List is now posted in the section in "Supplementary Lists and Information" instead of in the Archive section.  The Complimentary List includes the REACH Candidate List substances that the validation team for IEC 62474 is screening out and not including on the DSL because evidence available to the validation team (VT) indicates that they are not present (above threshold) in materials that may be used in EEE products.

20190315:  The IEC 62474 database received a software upgrade on Friday March 15, 2019.  Youi will notice that some of the menu names in the left hand ribbon have changed -- they are now named more consistently -- and menu options have been added for exemption lists and supplementary lists and information (which now includes the REACH SVHC Complimentary List).

The Declarabble Substance List now includes two new data fields as specified in IEC 62474:2018. These fields are: "Substance Clarification" and "Mass Info Requirements".  Both fields are currently blank but will be filled in by late March. 

 2019-03-14:  The IEC 62474 database will receive a software upgrade on Friday March 15, 2019.  New features to support the requirements in IEC 62474:2018 are being added.  This will change the structure of some of the database elements -- for example, two new columns are being added to the declarable substance list (DSL).  Anyone that is using software to automatically import information from the database may need to make updates to accommodate the changes.  Note: the database may be temporarily out of service during the update.

 2019-02-12: The IEC 62474 database will undergo an IEC upgrade and significant changes to the content in February and March 2019.  The changes reflect new requirements specified in IEC 62474 Ed.2 (which is now available on the IEC webstore) and an overall editorial DSL maintenance activity. Due to the changes in the underlying database software system, the IEC 62474 database may be out of service at various points in time in February and March.

  2019-01-15: The IEC 62474 DSL is updated to version D17.00.  There were no changes made to the Reference Substance List (RSL) or the Material Class List (MCL).  New DSL entries have First Added and Last Revised dates of 2019-01-15.