International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 61355 - Collection of standardized and established document kinds

English French

General description
Document kinds by:
Application area
Activity area
Presentation form
Identity number
Status level
Under development

Identity number:D00130
Status level:Standard
Name:Main document
Alternative names:Leading document
Content of information:Description:
Document representing an object and containing or referring to the complete information on the object.

Being main document is a role of a document.

The document kind on which it is based is normally Parts list, List of documents or Component drawing.

Mandatory content of information:
The main document represents the complete technical object and is characterized in that

– it shall refer to all complementary documents, either directly or indirectly via other documents, and

– its document number should have a close relation to (often partly or wholly the same as) the part number that identifies the technical object described.

Complementary documents should not refer back to the main document.
Application area:Overall management, Overall technology, Construction engineering (building construction and civil engineering), Electrical engineering (incl instrumentation and control), Mechanical engineering, Process engineering
Activity area:Documentation - general
Form of presentation:Z - Composite form
Released on:2008-04-14
Remarks:A main document should be classified as belonging to document class (DCC) AB, irrespective of what document kind it is based on, since its role of being a main document is dominant with respect to document administration.

NOTE - In a document set for an object the main document should preferably precede all complementary documents. If the document classification system according to IEC 61355 is applied, the documents are normally alphabetically sorted with regard to the document classification code. Code AB will therefore bring the main document to the top and place it directly after a possible cover sheet.

Applies:D00022 (List of documents); D00060 (Function list); D00104 (Parts list (class A)); D00105 (Parts list (class B)); D00108 (Location list); D00131 (Component drawing)
Keywords:complementary documents, leading documents, main documents
Source references:IEC 62023:2000
Web page created 2024-04-25
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